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Soda Ash Briquettes

Soda Ash Briquettes - брикеты из кальцинированной соды: Soda Ash in the briquette form facilitates the use and handling of Soda Ash. The primary use of Soda Ash Briquette is for Acid Neutralization in industrial settings. Examples of which would be waste water treatment and coal milling, acid drainage water treatment, in treating acid mine drainage water. The environmental and safety problems faced in using powder soda ash can be solved by using SODA ASH BRIQUETTES. In modern primary aluminum smelting projects, the combination of pure tapped bath material and soda ash briquette is the best solution for starting up new potline cells.

Product Characteristic and Physical and Chemical Parameters:

Briquette size:   Pillow Shape (40 x 25 x 13) mm

Weight:            20g approx.

Appearance:     White, solid

Na2CO3:          (S) ≥99.0%

So4:                0.1% max

NaCI:              0.5% max

Bulk Density:   751 – 950 kg/m3

Melting Point:  8500C

Product Packing: 25/50 kg Bags

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